engage with the journey
journey with Jesus
companions on the journey
church beyond these shores
sacred journeys
Come Away®
Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for awhile.
Mark 6:31
Once a month, October to May, from 9a.m. to 3p.m., guided contemplative prayer retreat that engages our personal narrative and invites participants into a deeper knowing of God and Self for the blessing of the world.
Each retreat day starts with a ritual that includes prayer, music, and story drawn out from the spiritual journey of one of our facilitators. Although particular in nature, these personal narratives tug at the strings of the universal stories we all live.
The majority of our day together includes private solitude time with a prayer guide we provide for your reflection.
We regather at the end of the day to share with the group how Jesus met you during your time.
Limited private rooms available to those who sign up early.
Be Thou My Vision®
A four day guided retreat at Zephyr Point Presbrytrian Conference Center at S. Lake Tahoe, NV.
We start the Tuesday before
Memorial Day and end that Friday.
An extended time that allows you to sink deep into the beauty of mountain and lake and into contemplative practices: silence, reflection, community sharing time. Unique to this retreat is our Prayer of Expression, a guided experience incorporating mixed art media and personal refelction. The practice requires no art experience or skill!
Be Thou My Vision is a narrative driven, personal reflection based retreat rather than a lecture/teaching experience.
Custom Retreats®
We also offer retreats customized for churches, team and leadership retreats and mens' retreats.
We've worked with:
Colorado Christian University, Messiah College in Pennsylvania, Trinity University in Deerfield Illinois, Vintage Faith, Santa Cruz Bible and Twin Lakes Church, Berkeley Covenant, Grace Church Fremont, Lord's Grace Christian Church, Grace Alliance, Black Rock Congregational Church, and others.
Contact us for more information on how we can assist you in your retreat planning.
Upcoming Retreats
2024-25 Come Away Season
Stepping Out: A Faith Large Enough to Live
Second Wednesdays* October,2024-May,2025
1. Joing our live retreat via Zoom where you can participate in the comfort of your home, in creation, or other location of your choosing. Contact Don for details.
2. You choose the location, invite a small group of your friends, leadership team, pastoral staff, local pastors, etc., and we'll provide the materials and video facilitation. Contact Don for more information.
art: The Wind Against Them by Gary Ball
* exception May 7 first Wednesday
2025 Be Thou My Vision:The Unforced Rhythms of Grace
May 20-23, 2025
Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center,
Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Four-day guided contemplative retreat with spacious times of solitude, silence, and conversations with God in the glorious outdoor sanctuaries of
Lake Tahoe and Fallen Leaf Lake.
You will create a Prayer of Expression, have opportunities for group time, and build new/renew old friendships with fellow retreatants.
Comfortable, clean Lakeside accommodations with private bathrooms.
Rest for the Soul, Rewening of the Mind,
Restoration of the Body
art: google images
What Our Participants Say...
"This experience was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. For groups, it’s a spiritual genius. The retreat with Beyond These Shores significantly bonded our whole church community. From elementary school age kids to youth, young adult to middle age and even the elderly, the BTS leadership helped us to get to know each other on a deeper level than we could have imagined."
Josh – MFT,
former Pastor at Berkeley Covenant Church
"Both the year in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and the monthly Come Away retreats have been restorative to my soul, a time to hear God refine my vision/mission in ministry, and a space to become more fully human...
This ministry goes “deep” and that is what so many of us pastors and leaders need. "
Alex - Inner City Church Planter, Oakland CA
"It has been five years since going on the pilgrimage, led by Don and Charlotte Ferris to Holy Island (near the England / Scotland border), and Scotland’s island of Iona, yet it continues to have a profound effect on my life and walk with the Lord. I needed and desired to 'step out of the boat' of the familiar, to be drawn to God in a deeper / richer way through this heritage unknown to me.
A 10 day experience with guiding questions, scriptures, prayers, times of solitude and silence, historical background, stories, sharing, and laughter. I left home going on Pilgrimage to more fully discern my vocational calling, and in the process ending up discovering myself and God’s amazing love for me."
Bev – bi-vocational Pastor