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Adventure of Transformation

Charlotte Ferris

The Celtic understanding of journeying is peregrination, seeking, quest, adventure, wandering, exile.

~Esther deWaal

The Pilgrim's Way, Lindisfarne

The weekend arrives and I want to play. People tell me I don't play enough. But during Lent a deeper desire claims my heart. My Celtic ancestors carved a way in the spiritual wilderness that still invites me to stay the course during the adventure of Lent.

I seek Jesus in the devotional book I'm using for Lent, in the Scriptures, in my longing, my hopes and even my disappointments and discouragement. I want my eyes to open into the vast world of extraordinary "sightings" of the Holy in the everyday ordinary.

The cost is dear. What my fingers grip so tightly to make me feel safe and in control, may be pried from my hand on my life. And will I, when the reins are in Someone else's hands, remain faithful?

Do you sense a call to wander, to peregrination? Does God call you to leave behind your comfort and embark on a new adventure of transformation?

Be Thou My Vision retreat, "Joy Comes in the Morning," May 22-25, 2018.

Pilgrimage to Lindisfarne and Iona, "Beyond These Shores," Sept.2-12, 2018.

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