The spiritual life involves risk. There's no way around it.
~Belden Lane

Second day of Lent, and I'm already tempted to give up my quest. I won't share the specifics of my Lenten fast because it is too personal and sacred to talk about here, but I confess I think the fast will expose issues I have kept hidden in the dark corners of my heart because I've been too afraid to look at them. Too anxious about the tenderness or pain I have ignored most of my life. Too ashamed to shed the layers that protect a scarred and ugly heart.
We pray the Spirit of God will grant you courage to continue your Lenten journey.
As you more fully enter into the season, you may want to consider joining us for either our 2018 Be Thou My Vision retreat, "Joy Comes in the Morning," (May22-25) or "Beyond These Shores," the pilgrimage to Lindisfarne and Iona. (September 2-12, 2018).